“Electoral Polls and Late Swings in Vote Decisions.” (in Portuguese) (with Felipe Nunes). Opinião Pública, 30 (2024)

“Detecting Misinformation: Identifying False News Spread by Political Leaders in the Global South.” (with Valerie Wirtschafter, Natália Bueno, Nara Pavão, João Pedro dos Santos, Felipe Nunes). Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 4 (2024). Replicate

“Who is Responsible for the Emergency Aid? Cash Transfer and Presidential Approval During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil.” (with Guilherme Russo and Felipe Nunes) Latin American Politics and Society 65, 4 (2023) Replicate

“Inoculation Reduces Misinformation: Experimental Evidence from a Multidimensional Intervention in Brazil.” (with Natália Bueno, Felipe Nunes, and Nara Pavão) Journal of Experimental Political Science 11, 3 (2024) Replicate

“Presidential Influence and Public Opinion During Crises: The Case of COVID-19 in Brazil.” (with Felipe Nunes) International Journal of Public Opinion Research 32, 2 (2022) Replicate

"Fake News, Fact Checking, and Partisanship: The Resilience of Rumors in the 2018 Brazilian Elections." (with Natália Bueno, Felipe Nunes, and Nara Pavão) Journal of Politics 84, 4 (2022) Replicate

"Will You Be Vaccinated? A Methodology for Annotating and Analyzing Twitter Data to Measure the Stance Towards COVID-19 Vaccination." (with Ali Almadan, Mary L. Maher, and Yuqi Guo) FICC 2022: Advances in Information and Communication 1 (2022) Replicate

"Gendered Political Contexts: The Gender Gap in Political Knowledge" Journal of Politics 81, 4 (2019) Replicate

"Gender Attitudes and Public Opinion Towards Electoral Gender Quotas in Brazil" (with Nathália Porto) Political Psychology 41, 5 (2020) Replicate

“Do Female Politicians Face Stronger Backlash for Corruption Allegations? Evidence from Survey-Experiments in Brazil and Mexico” Political Behavior 43, 4 (2021) Replicate

"Electoral Rules and Voter Bias Against Female Candidates in Brazilian Congressional Elections" Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 33, 1 (2023) Replicate

“Prejudice, Information, and the Vote for Women in Personalized PR Systems: Evidence from Brazil” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 42, 4 (2021) Replicate

"Media Choice and the Polarization of Public Opinion About COVID-19 in Brazil" Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública 10, 2 (2021) Replicate

"Assessing Political Knowledge Scales Across Countries: Evidence from Latin America " Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 9, 1 (2020) Replicate

Non Causa Pro Causa: The Left-Right Vote in Brazil.” (in Portuguese) Opinião Pública 26, 2 (2020) Replicate

 "Retrospective Economic Voting and Political Sophistication in the 2002 Presidential Elections." (in Portuguese) Revista de Sociologia e Política 22 ,50 (2014) Replicate

 "The Stability and Effectiveness of Party Preferences in Brazil." (in Portuguese) Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política 13, 1 (2014) Replicate

"Political Sophistication and Public Opinion in Brazil: Revisiting Classical Hypotheses." (in Portuguese) Opinião Pública 19, 2 (2013) Replicate

"Information and Conceptualization: The Cognitive Dimension of Political Inequality Among the Young in Belo Horizinte." (with Mario Fuks) (in Portuguese) Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais 26, 76 (2011) Replicate



Legitimacy and Quality of Democracy in Brazil: A Citizenship Perspective. (in Portuguese) 2011

(with Lucio R. Renno, Amy E. Smith, and Matthew L. Layton)

Editora Intermeios




"The Economic Vote in Brazil." (in Portuguese) 2014

In: Robert Bonifácio, Gabriel Casalecchi, and Cleber de Deus. The Vote for President in Brazil, 1989-2010: Conditioning and Explanatory Factors.

Editora Íthala


"Political Sophistication and the Vote for President in Brazil." (in Portuguese) 2014

(with Mario Fuks and Gabriel Casalecchi)

In: Robert Bonifácio, Gabriel Casalecchi, and Cleber de Deus. The Vote for President in Brazil, 1989-2010: Conditioning and Explanatory Factors.

Editora Íthala


Invited Review of “Women’s Empowerment and Disempowerment in Brazil: The Rise and Fall of President Dilma Rousseff (by P. dos Santos and F. Jalalzai)”

Latin American Politics and Society, 64, 3 (2022)

Invited Review of “Partisans, Antipartisans, and Nonpartisans: Voting Behavior in Brazil (by D. Samuels and C. Zucco)"

Perspectives on Politics, 17, 4 (2019)

"Trust in Elections in Venezuela." (also in Spanish) 2013

(with Mitchell Seligson and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister)

AmericasBarometer Topical Brief, April 8


"Do Venezuelans Expect Unrest After the Elections." (also in Spanish) 2013

(with Mitchell Seligson and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister)

AmericasBarometer Topical Brief, April 1


"Public Support for Democracy Endures in Venezuela." (also in Spanish) 2013

(with Mitchell Seligson and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister)

AmericasBarometer Topical Brief, March 11


"Gender and Community Participation in Latin America and the Caribbean." (also in Spanish) 2012 

AmericasBarometer Insights, 2012, 78


"Why Are There More Partisans in Some Countries than in Others." (also in Spanish) 2012

AmericasBarometer Insights, 2012, 71


"Political Knowledge Levels Across the Urban-Rural Divide in Latin America and the Caribbean" (also in Spanish) 2011

AmericasBarometer Insights, 2011, 68


"Rationality, Environments, and Political Sophistication in the Presidential Vote Choice." (in Portuguese) 2010

Master's Thesis, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Committee: Fábio W. Reis (Chair), Mônica M. M. Castro, and Mario Fuks